Thursday, January 16, 2014

Check out Haley Whitehall's newest release #valentine #romance

Today's guest is Haley Whitehall! She's here today to chat about time travel and her newest release, Love, Valentine Style. Hope you'll check out what promises to be a terrific read.

Time Traveling to find Mr. Right


I’ve often felt like I was born in the wrong generation. Ever since I first learned about the Civil War in school I had a strong connection to that era. Do you believe in past lives? Some people have read my writing and suggested I had a past life during the Civil War. All I know is I wish I had a time machine so I could go into the past and find my Mr. Right.

I guess that is what inspired me to write “Civil War Valentine.” The heroine Charlie Bristol, a museum curator, is the closest to being me than all the previous characters I have written. Writing her story filled a need for me to give myself a happy ending. Okay. Whew that was kind of deep, wasn’t it?

Valentine’s Day celebrates love, and maybe due to all the sappy Hallmark movies and TV shows it also seems magical to me. Valentine’s Day magic is evident in not only “Civil War Valentine” but in all the novellas in Love, Valentine Style.

If you had a time travel machine where in the past would you go to find Mr. Right? For recently divorced Charlie Bristol she didn’t have choice, but she was pleased with her destination.


Blurb Love, Valentine Style (Civil War Valentine by Haley Whitehall)

Recently divorced museum curator Charlie Bristol comes to Seattle to set up a display at the Fine Art museum chronicling the history of Valentine’s Day. The director of the museum surprises her with a package of Civil War valentines from an anonymous donor. She reads the heartfelt messages and is touched by his words. Does such powerful love still exist?


During a nap she dreams she’s alive during the Civil War and meets Elliot Lowery, the author of the valentines who mistakes her for his fiancée Charlotte. She and Elliot negotiate the murky waters of wartime romance. When she wakes she’s still under the dream's spell and Valentine’s Day love is in the air, but Charlotte has no reason to celebrate. The man she loves died 150 years ago. Unless love works some miracle even time and death cannot overcome.



The stew made her mouth water. This was classic country cooking, nothing like she was used to having in New York City.

There was a knock at the door. Her chest constricted. Who could that be? Another knock. She found herself drawn to the door and slowly opened it as if the stranger might bite her.

A young man with thick black hair and a sexy five o’clock shadow stood there, a single red rose in his hand. He straightened, bringing his boot clad feet together. She worked her gaze up from his feet all the way up his long legs to his broad shoulders and dreamy blue-gray eyes. He was dressed in a Union uniform, the blue wool coat unbuttoned to reveal his white shirt underneath.

My imagination sure knows how to construct a good looking soldier!

The man smiled, showing a row of straight teeth. “Miss Adams,” he said in a deep voice. When she raised her eyebrow at the use of her maiden name, he frowned slightly. “I know I’ve been gone for several months, but I didn’t expect you to forget me.”


Buy Links:

Available exclusively from Amazon




Haley Whitehall lives in Washington State where she enjoys all four seasons and the surrounding wildlife. She writes historical fiction and historical romance set in the 19th century U.S. When she is not researching or writing, she plays with her cats, watches the Western and History Channels, and goes antiquing. She is hoping to build a time machine so she can go in search of her prince charming. A good book, a cup of coffee, and a view of the mountains make her happy. Visit Haley’s website at


Haley loves to connect with readers. You can find her here:

1 comment:

Haley Whitehall said...

Thanks for having, Joya!