Wednesday, December 21, 2011
LOVE DELIVERED Small towns and big love
More Love Delivered blog tour fun today! I'll be visiting with my good friend (and multi-published author extraordinaire) Laura Kaye to chat about small towns, grandparents, and whether we prefer sweet or salty. Yeah...doesn't have much to do with writing, but food is always a great topic. Please drop by at:
I'll also be at the wonderful Bernadette Marie's blog, Warrior Princess Romance, chatting about the Fourth of July at Christmas? Yep. Families, togetherness, and fun. Please visit us at:
Release Day for LOVE DELIVERED!
It's release day for my romantic comedy LOVE DELIVERED! Please join me to celebrate the holidays, fond memories, and writing at three blogs today: Savvy Authors Author Rashda Khan Long and Short Reviews Savvy Authors Author Rashda Khan Long and Short Reviews
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Writers Who Hear Voices
Do your characters tell you what to write? Come chat about it and help celebrate the release of LOVE DELIVERED today at not one, but TWO wonderful blogs:
Monday, December 19, 2011
Real Mail vs Email
Do you remember the days before email? Do you still receive "real mail" that makes you happy? Stop by Coffee Time Romance today to chat about the continued need for real mail and help celebrate the release of LOVE DELIVERED.
Release day: 2 days! 12.21.2011
Release day: 2 days! 12.21.2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Meet Bianca, A Beautiful Photographer
Introducing Bianca McClain
She's achieving her dreams in New York. The dreams her mother never got to pursue. Bianca can't give it all up for a man. But Pete's sense of humor and good nature--not to mention hotter-than-summer good looks--make her think twice about which dream she's chasing.
Countdown to release day for LOVE DELIVERED: 5 days! 12.21.2011
She's achieving her dreams in New York. The dreams her mother never got to pursue. Bianca can't give it all up for a man. But Pete's sense of humor and good nature--not to mention hotter-than-summer good looks--make her think twice about which dream she's chasing.
Countdown to release day for LOVE DELIVERED: 5 days! 12.21.2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Meet Pete, A Sexy Mail Carrier
Introducing Pete
He's the sexy mail carrier and hero from LOVE DELIVERED who loves his small town and can't imagine ever leaving. Too many people depend on him. But Bianca's smile and inner strength--not to mention her stunning beauty--make him question all he knows.
Countdown to release day for LOVE DELIVERED: 6 days!
He's the sexy mail carrier and hero from LOVE DELIVERED who loves his small town and can't imagine ever leaving. Too many people depend on him. But Bianca's smile and inner strength--not to mention her stunning beauty--make him question all he knows.
Countdown to release day for LOVE DELIVERED: 6 days!
LOVE DELIVERED RELEASES in one week! Blog Tour begins!
Friday, December 2, 2011
The Book Boost
Monday, December 19, 2011
Coffee Time Romance Blog
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Author Bernadette Marie will interview me on her blog
Author Sharon Buchbinder will host me on her Snap, Crackle and Popping blog
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
**Release Day for Love Delivered**
Savvy Authors will host me for a chat about family memories.
Author Mina Kahn will host me on her blog to talk about inspiration and writing.
I’ll be chatting about Christmas memories and grandparents at Long and Short Reviews.
Love Delivered tote bag giveaway!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Author Laura Kaye will interview my characters from Love Delivered
Guest blogger on Bernadette Marie’s site
Friday, December 23, 2011
Friday Freebie on Bernadette’s blog
Stop by to win romance trading cards, and other fun stuff.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Vicki Batman and I BELIEVE
Today's guest is Vicki Batman who not only has a cool name, but writes compelling stories. Vicki and I met in an online class a few years ago and we stay in touch via a loop for the magazines we write for. I loved getting to know Vicki better through this post and I hope you will too.
1. The heroine in I BELIEVE, Allie, desires the kind of man her cousins and sister have. Sounds like you have lots of experience with “girl talk.” What kind of sisters, cousins, and friends do you have in your life?
I do have lots of opportunities for girl talk. I have three sisters, lots of girl cousins. Book club girls, yoga girls, Jazzercise girls, writer girlfriends, the Plotting Princesses. I go on girlfriend trips and have lots of chocolate. Girlfriends can be like psychologists.
2. You’re obviously hopelessly in love because you’ve given your husband the codename Handsome when you speak of him publicly. Do your fictional heroes share any traits with Handsome?
My friend swears Jeffrey Carpenter in IB is Handsome. I'm like "no, he isn't." In fact, Handsome never came to my mind when writing this story, except for one major component: the chant. When I woke up and repeated the chant to my roommate at RWA, later on, I realized it is a poem I'd written for him.
Occasionally, I make a character tall, dark, and handsome like Handsome, but that's probably by coincidence. Living with men, I've learned they speak few words, are strong, honest, know what they want.
BTW, lots of people call him Handsome now instead of his real name. LOLOL. I began calling him that when we first married and he inscribed a card with Beautiful Wife and I put on mine for him, Handsome Husband. Squee!
3. What was the hardest thing about writing I BELIEVE?
I bet everyone out there can guess this--writing the SEX. (And this is the part my friend became embarrassed over because she thought Handsome inspired it). When a writer friend reviewed IB, she said it wasn't sexy enough. I thought "oh, boy," and worked to make it more so.
Here's the blurb and an excerpt: Allie deeply desires what her sister and cousins have--the man of their dreams. And they assure her she can…if she’s willing to believe. When her sister shares their grandmother's spell for conjuring her own true love, Allie's deeply conflicted. After all, magic is a risky business. A woman died when a potion went wrong. Did she want to mess with magic, knowing it might not work? Only the outcome will tell....
"I Believe" explores what happens when someone is so desperate, she'll do anything to -- and quite possibly will -- find true happiness.
Loneliness is a four-letter word.
And I'd been lonely far too long.
June—the time of year for summer, picnics, baseball. And weddings. My cousins, my sister, and I had gathered in Bitsy's living room for the monthly meeting of the Single-teeners Club, the one we'd begun when we were fancy-free, out-on-the-town gals. Cheerfulness radiated from the girls like moonbeams in a sickening, sticky-sweet way.
I knew why: Everyone had found her beloved, her mate. Her happily ever after.
But not me.
As if reading my thoughts, my sister Paige frowned my way, then at her knitting project. "Allie Palmer, it's time you found a man."
"A man?" I snorted. "The good ones are hiding. You three got the only decent guys in the whole universe, and I'm stuck with alien, delivery man Jeffrey Carpenter, who persists in making goo-goo eyes at me while I'm working hard on Sweet Style's new wedding campaign. His "aw-shucks" manner is so corny. The fashion police should arrest him for those plaid shirts."
"Here we go again. He can't be that bad." With a click-click of her knitting needles, Martha, Bitsy's sister, said, "You need to get royally screwed."
"Martha! If our mothers heard you, you'd be dead. Served up like Sunday fried chicken."
Martha shrugged. "They aren't here—"
Bitsy looped yarn around a needle. "Praise the Lord."
I frowned. Since when did the Single-teeners become the Knitty Witties? I was without a knitting project, leaving me feeling left out of this club, too. "Where did you get the idea I needed a man? For sex?" I huffed. "Men aren't necessarily a requirement. Just ask my best friend, Alex, my vibrator."
"You don't have a vibrator. If anyone would know, I would," Paige said. "You're too picky."
"Yeah, picky," Bitsy said. "Men fall at your feet, even when you treat them like slime balls. And still they come back for more. Go figure."
"I. Am. Not. Picky." My eyes rolled ceiling-ward. "I followed Single-teeners's rules. Remember our standards? Doctors. Lawyers. Accountants. Not delivery men-slash-box company owners."
"Those standards go beyond club requirements." Paige clicked a stitch counter. "Picking boogers from noses . . . ." She snapped her finger in the universal flipped-off gesture. "Gone."
Bitsy perked up. "Moustache and/or beard?"
Snap went Martha. "Gone."
"Zip-up dress shoes—"
"Okay!" I flashed my palms their way. "Point taken, except for nose picking. Did you ever stop to think maybe nothing jived between those bozos and me? No chemistry? That's what a successful relationship needs, as you well know."
Paige resumed knitting. A small, white bootie dangled from the needles. "The only chemistry you're familiar with is the one you almost flunked in high school."
"So chemistry wasn't my favorite subject, Miss I-do-everything-perfectly. You're talking about the wrong kind, anyway. And I have more dating under my belt than you ever had." I tossed my hands skyward. "I don't know what else to do. Post a want ad on Facebook or Craigslist? Wave a magic wand?"
A hush cloaked the room. Paige's project fell to her lap. "Did Allie say magic?"
"She did." Bitsy nodded. "I heard her."
Pausing her knitting, Martha bobbed her head vigorously. "Me, too."
This conversation was going nowhere except down the Port-A-Potty. But as I sat there and thoughts passed through what little brains my dad teased I had, I noticed the girls shared a distinct look, like they knew something I didn't. Each lifted one brow, a shoulder raised in a bare shrug, as if they were communicating through . . . telepathy.
4. If your story were to be made into a movie, who do you think could play Allie’s part and why?
Wow, Joya, this is a hard question. I'm really stumped. I'd never even thought of it as a movie. Any ideas?
Joya’s note: LOL, so now I’m stumped, too. If I had to venture a guess, I’d say Kaley Cuoco (from “The Big Bang Theory). What do you think? Come on, Hollywood, give Vicki a call.
5. What’s your next release and when is it coming out?
For sure, Christmas 2012 brings "Twinkle Lights." The publisher hoped to put it out this year, even got a cover, but nothing yet. It's a very funny story.
Otherwise, I have eight things on my computer to put somewhere. Am working on a secret project. And writing a new short story--"Raving Beauty." Yeah, it is a funny one, too. I'd be lost without my humor.
Thanks, Joya, for having me here. I wish you much success in your writing.
Great to have you and thanks for stopping by, Vicki. Best wishes to you for much continued success!
Vicki Batman is kicking back with her diet Coke and working on another short. Find her at:
Or at:
Find "I Believe," her sexy novella with a touch of magic at:
1. The heroine in I BELIEVE, Allie, desires the kind of man her cousins and sister have. Sounds like you have lots of experience with “girl talk.” What kind of sisters, cousins, and friends do you have in your life?
I do have lots of opportunities for girl talk. I have three sisters, lots of girl cousins. Book club girls, yoga girls, Jazzercise girls, writer girlfriends, the Plotting Princesses. I go on girlfriend trips and have lots of chocolate. Girlfriends can be like psychologists.
2. You’re obviously hopelessly in love because you’ve given your husband the codename Handsome when you speak of him publicly. Do your fictional heroes share any traits with Handsome?
My friend swears Jeffrey Carpenter in IB is Handsome. I'm like "no, he isn't." In fact, Handsome never came to my mind when writing this story, except for one major component: the chant. When I woke up and repeated the chant to my roommate at RWA, later on, I realized it is a poem I'd written for him.
Occasionally, I make a character tall, dark, and handsome like Handsome, but that's probably by coincidence. Living with men, I've learned they speak few words, are strong, honest, know what they want.
BTW, lots of people call him Handsome now instead of his real name. LOLOL. I began calling him that when we first married and he inscribed a card with Beautiful Wife and I put on mine for him, Handsome Husband. Squee!
3. What was the hardest thing about writing I BELIEVE?
I bet everyone out there can guess this--writing the SEX. (And this is the part my friend became embarrassed over because she thought Handsome inspired it). When a writer friend reviewed IB, she said it wasn't sexy enough. I thought "oh, boy," and worked to make it more so.
Here's the blurb and an excerpt: Allie deeply desires what her sister and cousins have--the man of their dreams. And they assure her she can…if she’s willing to believe. When her sister shares their grandmother's spell for conjuring her own true love, Allie's deeply conflicted. After all, magic is a risky business. A woman died when a potion went wrong. Did she want to mess with magic, knowing it might not work? Only the outcome will tell....
"I Believe" explores what happens when someone is so desperate, she'll do anything to -- and quite possibly will -- find true happiness.
Loneliness is a four-letter word.
And I'd been lonely far too long.
June—the time of year for summer, picnics, baseball. And weddings. My cousins, my sister, and I had gathered in Bitsy's living room for the monthly meeting of the Single-teeners Club, the one we'd begun when we were fancy-free, out-on-the-town gals. Cheerfulness radiated from the girls like moonbeams in a sickening, sticky-sweet way.
I knew why: Everyone had found her beloved, her mate. Her happily ever after.
But not me.
As if reading my thoughts, my sister Paige frowned my way, then at her knitting project. "Allie Palmer, it's time you found a man."
"A man?" I snorted. "The good ones are hiding. You three got the only decent guys in the whole universe, and I'm stuck with alien, delivery man Jeffrey Carpenter, who persists in making goo-goo eyes at me while I'm working hard on Sweet Style's new wedding campaign. His "aw-shucks" manner is so corny. The fashion police should arrest him for those plaid shirts."
"Here we go again. He can't be that bad." With a click-click of her knitting needles, Martha, Bitsy's sister, said, "You need to get royally screwed."
"Martha! If our mothers heard you, you'd be dead. Served up like Sunday fried chicken."
Martha shrugged. "They aren't here—"
Bitsy looped yarn around a needle. "Praise the Lord."
I frowned. Since when did the Single-teeners become the Knitty Witties? I was without a knitting project, leaving me feeling left out of this club, too. "Where did you get the idea I needed a man? For sex?" I huffed. "Men aren't necessarily a requirement. Just ask my best friend, Alex, my vibrator."
"You don't have a vibrator. If anyone would know, I would," Paige said. "You're too picky."
"Yeah, picky," Bitsy said. "Men fall at your feet, even when you treat them like slime balls. And still they come back for more. Go figure."
"I. Am. Not. Picky." My eyes rolled ceiling-ward. "I followed Single-teeners's rules. Remember our standards? Doctors. Lawyers. Accountants. Not delivery men-slash-box company owners."
"Those standards go beyond club requirements." Paige clicked a stitch counter. "Picking boogers from noses . . . ." She snapped her finger in the universal flipped-off gesture. "Gone."
Bitsy perked up. "Moustache and/or beard?"
Snap went Martha. "Gone."
"Zip-up dress shoes—"
"Okay!" I flashed my palms their way. "Point taken, except for nose picking. Did you ever stop to think maybe nothing jived between those bozos and me? No chemistry? That's what a successful relationship needs, as you well know."
Paige resumed knitting. A small, white bootie dangled from the needles. "The only chemistry you're familiar with is the one you almost flunked in high school."
"So chemistry wasn't my favorite subject, Miss I-do-everything-perfectly. You're talking about the wrong kind, anyway. And I have more dating under my belt than you ever had." I tossed my hands skyward. "I don't know what else to do. Post a want ad on Facebook or Craigslist? Wave a magic wand?"
A hush cloaked the room. Paige's project fell to her lap. "Did Allie say magic?"
"She did." Bitsy nodded. "I heard her."
Pausing her knitting, Martha bobbed her head vigorously. "Me, too."
This conversation was going nowhere except down the Port-A-Potty. But as I sat there and thoughts passed through what little brains my dad teased I had, I noticed the girls shared a distinct look, like they knew something I didn't. Each lifted one brow, a shoulder raised in a bare shrug, as if they were communicating through . . . telepathy.
4. If your story were to be made into a movie, who do you think could play Allie’s part and why?
Wow, Joya, this is a hard question. I'm really stumped. I'd never even thought of it as a movie. Any ideas?
Joya’s note: LOL, so now I’m stumped, too. If I had to venture a guess, I’d say Kaley Cuoco (from “The Big Bang Theory). What do you think? Come on, Hollywood, give Vicki a call.
5. What’s your next release and when is it coming out?
For sure, Christmas 2012 brings "Twinkle Lights." The publisher hoped to put it out this year, even got a cover, but nothing yet. It's a very funny story.
Otherwise, I have eight things on my computer to put somewhere. Am working on a secret project. And writing a new short story--"Raving Beauty." Yeah, it is a funny one, too. I'd be lost without my humor.
Thanks, Joya, for having me here. I wish you much success in your writing.
Great to have you and thanks for stopping by, Vicki. Best wishes to you for much continued success!
Vicki Batman is kicking back with her diet Coke and working on another short. Find her at:
Or at:
Find "I Believe," her sexy novella with a touch of magic at:
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Love Delivered, Trailer
Check Bianca and Pete's book trailer.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Love Delivered Releasing December 21, 2011

I'm so thrilled to announce that LOVE DELIVERED, a short contemporary romance, will release from The Wild Rose Press on December 21st. Cover artist Kim Mendoza once again designed a cover that showcases the characters and the story. Thanks, Kim!
Here's a blurb about the story:
Bianca McClain has worked for years to achieve her dream job in New York City. After her grandmother passes away, she finds herself returning to the small town she grew up in to ready her house for sale. The slow, friendly pace of the town and its citizens, especially Pete the mailman, appeal to her—but there’s no way she’s giving up everything she’s accomplished in New York.
Born and raised in Centreville, MD, Pete Schaeffer loves his small town mail carrier job and can’t imagine leaving for any reason—or anyone—so he's dumbfounded by his intense attraction to Bianca, a woman with a fast-paced life in the big city.
Pete and Bianca soon find themselves lost in each other’s arms. When the summer ends, they will have big decisions to make. Will the small-town guy and big-city girl find common ground and lasting love, or will their differences drive them apart?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm thrilled to host my good friend, fabulous author, and critique partner Christi Barth today for a fun post about cruises and love. She's a gal who loves her hubby, and loves to write. I hope you enjoy getting to know her better today through some Q&A and a wonderful excerpt from her newest release, CRUISING TOWARD LOVE.
One of the things you like your readers to know is that your husband is “absolutely the best husband.” How did you meet and how has he influenced your writing?
We met at a callback to play the romantic leads in a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta. We pissed each other off that day, but got the parts and became great friends by the time the production closed. He then auditioned for another show just to be near me! He doesn’t have any influence on the characters I write. After all, why would I want to share the perfect man with the rest of the world? There’d be a line at my front door. He does, however, support my writing career 110%, in innumerable ways. I wouldn’t be at this point in my career without him.
2. You’re a big supporter of local theatre. How has your ongoing interest in theatre contributed to your books and characters?
To say I have a flair for the dramatic would be putting it mildly. No doubt my years as an actress exponentially enhanced my adoration of a happy ending and a need to put a smile on people’s faces. In my book the characters are realistic, but the situations might be enhanced a shade or two from reality to punch it up a bit. The theatre teaches you to go big!
3. CRUISING TOWARD LOVE takes place on a cruise ship. Have you ever been on a cruise? If so, what’s your best “cruise advice” for someone who’s never been?
I’ve been fortunate to cruise twice, and I can’t wait to go again. They treat you like royalty, and you see amazing things. My first piece of advice would be not to wait – cruises aren’t as expensive as you might think, so go book one! But the real cruise insider tip would be to not waste space in your luggage with packing beach towels for your shore excursions – the ship will provide EVERYTHING you need. You’ll need that space for souvenirs…and duty free local rums, of course.
4. Zoe, the heroine in CRUISING TOWARD LOVE, has a very colorful family. What inspired the secondary characters in this book?
They’re definitely not from real life, because I’m an only child. I thoroughly enjoy the interplay of secondary characters in the books that I read, so I wanted to be sure to interject it into everything I write. Kind of like buying presents for people that you’d like to keep for yourself. They are also a handy way to introduce humor, which I try to infuse into every book. My main characters are a cup of coffee. The secondary characters are the cream and sugar. You wouldn’t want to drink an entire cup of sugar and cream, but they are enjoyable additions to the main event.
5. Nate, the hero in CRUISING TOWARD LOVE, is an Army medic. What sort of research did you have to do to make this character and his background authentic?
Probably not enough, I’ll admit. I did research Army bases to figure out where he could’ve been stationed for the past ten years. My responsibility as an author is to make up the plots and characters, but to get all facts possible correct. So I do strive for a high level of authenticity. At a picnic, 2/3 of the way through writing the book, I mentioned to a friend who spent years in the Army something about Nate’s gun. She immediately corrected me – soldiers always refer to their ‘weapon’, never their ‘gun’. I never would’ve discovered that through research. So helpful, not to mention serendipity that led us to sit next to each other to share the mustard.
Want to ignore the leaf piles and biting wind by indulging in a funny, sexy romp through the Caribbean? Of course you do! So dive into the pages of Cruising Toward Love by Christi Barth. Here’s a blurb to get you started. If you really want to get your feet wet, there’s an excerpt below the banner.
Can an unexplained breakup and ten years of heartache be cured by the romance – and endless buffets – of a tropical cruise? When her sister is left at the altar, small town librarian Zoe Balis jumps at the chance to take the bride’s unused ticket for the honeymoon cruise. But she didn't count on sharing a cabin with the man who broke her heart ten years ago!
Army medic Nate Hyatt never told Zoe goodbye when he enlisted - or the real reason why he dumped her on prom night after a year as high school sweethearts. And he never stopped dreaming about the girl he left behind. Could this voyage be his chance to fix the worst mistake he ever made? After all, a Caribbean cruise should be romantic… if he can convince her to move past ten years of bitterness and hurt.
Once aboard the luxury liner, Zoe befriends a bored Internet mogul with more heart than tact. Nate vents his problems to a ship’s photographer battling PTSD. The four team up on an island hopping treasure hunt. The stakes grow higher with each of Zoe’s mysterious brushes with death. They race to discover why she's a target and who's behind it, while still competing in the treasure hunt. Zoe’s never gotten over her first love, and is tempted to let Nate back into her life. But she already lost him once. She’s not willing to risk loving a man whose career keeps him in a combat zone. Can Nate breach her defenses and suture her broken heart? Grab a deck chair and see if they survive the stormy relationship seas as they cruise toward love!
"Did you stop kissing me because you weren’t enjoying it? You see, I’ve dealt with the first time you rejected me, when you left all those years ago. There’s no need to rehash the past. But I don’t think I could bear you rejecting me a second time. So I have to know—did you not take me to bed the other night because I didn’t turn you on, or was it because I somehow wasn’t good enough at it?"
The world stood still while she waited for his answer. Zoe focused on the squawk of sea gulls and the muted slap of the surf at the base of the wall. The lyrical lilt of Spanish from the group of teenagers passing by. A low buzz which must be some exotic insect in the shrubbery along the path. Every sound in her immediate vicinity rang with absurd clarity—except the sound she waited on with bated breath—Nate’s reply.
"If you still don’t want me, just say so, damn it!" she burst out.
Was it anger that hardened the lines of his body? Disinterest? Annoyance? Zoe couldn’t get a read on him. Nate advanced slowly. She backed into the turret, the space tight and cramped even for her stature. Built for the far shorter men of an earlier century, Nate had to duck his head as he edged ever closer. His sheer presence commanded as much area as his physical body. Something, some emotion rolled off him in waves, shimmering like heat above asphalt on a summer day. Why couldn’t she tell what was going on in his head?
"The sky is blue," said Nate, his face separated from hers by only a breath.
Huh? "Is that a military thing? Are you talking in code?"
"The sun rises in the east. Play with fire and you’ll get burned. These are all absolute truths. Indisputable facts. Well, there’s one more absolute you need to file away in your mental card catalog."
Nate brought the lower half of his body so close Zoe felt the heat radiating from his legs. Despite the heat, her goose bumps had goose bumps. The anticipation of his touch brought her every sense to high alert. He raised his arms up, planted his hands on either side of her head to cage her in place. Then he tilted so his forehead bumped hers. Her field of vision narrowed to the indigo sea of his eyes, pupils flooding black in the shaded darkness of the narrow turret they shared.
"I want you, Zoe." He forced the words out in a heavy rasp. "I wanted you the day we met. You wore a red ribbon in your hair, dropped a stack of books on my foot, and apologized adorably for ten minutes. All I could think of was wrapping the ribbon around my hand to pull you in for a kiss. I wanted you the first time we kissed, on the bridge in a storm. One by one, I licked off every raindrop that clung to your skin. I wanted you when I saw you covered in mud last Friday. Wanted you badly enough to crawl right into the mud to be with you. I want you now, and I will always want you."
Zoe let her eyes flutter shut in preparation for a kiss. Such a heartfelt, utterly romantic speech could only end one way. Just as whipped cream hungered for a cherry, his words demanded to be topped off by a kiss. She didn’t care about the past. With a handful of sentences he’d put her insecurities to rest. Nate dazzled her, and she was ready for more.
What was taking him so long? From beneath her lashes she snuck a peek. No Nate. Hoping the knees he’d melted to jelly would hold her, Zoe scrambled out onto the dirt path. Twenty strides ahead, Nate bellowed at her over his shoulder. "Hurry up. We don’t want to miss the reading of the clue."
From confusion to relief with paper hearts dancing overhead...right back to confusion, all in less than five minutes. Zoe trudged after him with one thought uppermost in her mind—now what?
For more information and purchase links, please visit
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Baltimore Book Festival, September 23-25

It's here! It's free! It's time for the Baltimore Book Festival.
Author appearances, book signings, panel discussions, workshops and more! Hope to see you at the Baltimore Book Festival.
When: Friday, September 23, noon-8
Saturday, September 24, noon-8
Sunday, September 25, noon-7
Where: Mt. Vernon Place, 600 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
Where to find Joya:
Friday, 1:30 p.m. in the Maryland Romance Writers tent (look for the black-eyed susans)
Join Joya and her fellow Maryland Romance Writer friends Sharon Buchbinder, Laura Kaye, Kate Dolan and Jeri Smith-Ready to find out why Maryland is a great place to set a novel.
Friday, 2 p.m. in the Maryland Romance Writers tent
Joya will be read from BENEATH THE SURFACE, her debut novel which releases on January 18th, 2012. After the reading, Joya will give away a treasure chest filled with sea-themed items like Yankee Candle "beach towel" scented candle, turtle chocolate caramel candies, Swedish fish, a pirate boa and a Beneath the Surface tote bag. FREE to enter!
Saturday, 3 p.m. in the Maryland Romance Writers tent
Join Joya and her fellow Maryland Romance writer friends Laura Kaye, Christi Barth, Diane Wylie, Kate Poole and Sharon Buchbinder as they discuss Making the Most of Publishing with Small Presses and e-presses.
Sunday, noon, on the City Lit Stage
Join Joya and her Maryland Writers' Association friends Nicole Schultheis, T.C. Galltin, L.M. Preston and Eileen McIntire for readings and to discuss how critique groups can influence and shape an author's writing.
Hope to see you there!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Cassandra Carr, Guest Author

This is an age-old question. From the time romance novels became popular, women have been asking why their men can’t behave/look more like the heroes in their stories. I am here to offer a few reasons why:
Real men don’t just “have” great bodies. They have to spend a significant portion of their time exercising. And when they’re at the gym that long, they aren’t attending to our “needs”, whether that means a foot massage, a night of hot sex, or doing the dishes (hey, I don’t know about you but I fantasize about my man doing the dishes without being asked!).
Real men aren’t all brawny, virile beasts who make you feel like a small, delicate flower in comparison. Some are tall, some are short, some are thin, some are beefier. But do you want a perfect-looking guy? Personally, it would give me a complex. I’ll take my five foot six husband, thanks very much. I can’t wear high heels, but they pinch my feet anyway and I don’t have to crane my neck every time I want to gaze upon his hotness.
Real men don’t have unlimited supplies of testosterone. I mean really – what woman wants to put up a guy who’s constantly up for sex? (Wait, don’t answer that…) And what about a guy who lasted all night? Craig Ferguson is on, people!
Real men don’t all have exciting careers as international spies and special forces soldiers. Truthfully, I wouldn’t want my man to have either occupation – neither is home very often, which leads me back to that whole “attending to my needs” thing. My hubby has a fairly regular nine-to-five job, which means he’s home at night. He entertains my daughter while I write and then keeps my bed warm at night. How could I ask for more?
Then there are the things that make real men better than romance heroes:
Real men aren’t fazed by the minutiae in life. They pick up the kids from day care, wipe the runny noses, fix the leaky toilet, and trim the bushes. They go to the grocery store, crawl through the bounce house, and change the sheets in the baby’s crib after she spits up. How many of us can actually picture the typical romance hero doing all of that?
So there you are, ladies. Real men aren’t like romance heroes, but when it comes down to it, do we really want them to be?
Bio: Cassandra Carr lives in Western New York with her husband, Inspiration, and her daughter, Too Cute for Words. When not writing she enjoys watching hockey and hanging out on Twitter. Her debut novel, Talk to Me, was released by Loose Id on March 22, 2011. For more information about Cassandra, check out her website at, "like" her Facebook fan page at or follow her on Twitter at
Buy links:
Loose Id
Barnes & Noble
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Hearts in Darkness Treasure Hunt

Two strangers. Four hours. One pitch-black elevator.
It’s National Talk in an Elevator Day (seriously!) and what better day to celebrate Hearts in Darkness? This top-rated contemporary romance is about two strangers who find acceptance and dare to find love while trapped for four hours in a pitch-black elevator.
And, did you know…???
Hearts in Darkness is the #4 Top-Rated
Kindle Contemporary Romance on Amazon?
So, we’re celebrating all this elevator-related goodness with a Treasure Hunt Giveaway! Here’s how to play:
1) Find the hidden word on each of the participating sites, usually 1 page off the main page
2) Keep track of the sites/words as you search
3) Email your findings to laurakayepromotions AT gmail DOT com and put Treasure Hunt in the subject heading. Entries accepted through 12 noon PST Saturday 7/30!
What can you win???
Here’s where the treasure is buried:
1) For the Love of Books
2) Book Wenches
3) My Eclectic Bookshelf
4) MyVampFiction
5) Where’s my Muse?
6) Author AJ Nuest
7) Author Jill James
8) Author Joya Fields
9) Author Sarah Grimm
10) Author Sharon Buchbinder
When you’re done, stop over to Laura’s own blog for another fun giveaway opportunity!
Thanks for reading and playing!
Laura Kaye
Hot, Heartfelt Romance – Because everyone longs to belong…
Laura is a multi-published author of paranormal, contemporary and erotic romance with five books releasing in 2011
Read the reviews here!
Buy from amazon! | Buy from DigiBooks Café!
Follower Laura Kaye on twitter | facebook
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Wild Rose Press authors are all a-Twitter

Being part of any supportive group is fun and The Wild Rose Press (TWRP) authors are a great example. Today, lots of TWRP authors will be posting excerpts and favorite lines from their books in a fun promotion to support one another and help readers learn more about TWRP books and authors.
And lucky me! I get to join in. Since I have two upcoming releases, here’s a little teaser about both of them. Hope you enjoy! Follow me on Twitter @joyafields and follow the fun on Twitter @TWRP.
LOVE DELIVERED (Short Contemporary Romance, available late 2011)
When Bianca finally had the willpower to pull away, her face heated and she stared at her lap. She hoped the stormy gray sky hid her embarrassment. She’d kissed him enthusiastically—like a schoolgirl with a giant crush—and had no idea where the impulse had come from. Sure, she liked him. It wasn’t until their lips met that she felt the spark that, even now, had her body shaking with desire.
“I…uh… Wow,” Pete said. From the stunned look on his face, she didn’t think he’d planned the kiss ahead of time. Like her, he probably hadn’t expected such intensity. He smiled his giant smile and leaned his forehead against hers. The move, although simple, felt intimate with him. “What did you put in that sweet tea?” he whispered.
BENEATH THE SURFACE (Full-length Romantic Suspense novel, available late 2011/early 2012)
For the first time since the accident, Brooke forgot about her leg. Forgot about all she’d lost and focused on the way Logan made her feel.
She knew she needed to stop him. She should find a way to resist the temptation to be with him. But for a few minutes, she could enjoy the taste of him, the feel of him, couldn’t she?
He dropped his hands to her waist and softened the kiss before trailing a line of kisses down her neck. A weak cry slipped from her mouth. “Garrett,” she whispered.
She should stop this now before it got any more intense.
He cupped her chin and forced her to meet his brown eyes, smoky with desire. Heat spiraled to her middle and she caught a whiff of his sawdust scent.
“I…I can walk you back to your own room before I head to mine.” His voice broke as he whispered.
She swallowed hard. She couldn’t do this right now with him. Too many obstacles stood in their way. But as she looked in his somber eyes, she realized none of those complications were bigger than her need for Garrett.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Amie Louellen--Brodie's Bride (A Fun Character Interview)

Meet amazingly talented author Amie Louellen! Her book BRODIE'S BRIDE releases today from The Wild Rose Press. Since her main characters, Brodie and Savanna, are busy with "release day stuff," Brodie's best friend Jackson has stopped by for a visit.
Interview with Jackson McMasters, best friend of Brodie Harper
It’s been six months since that fateful night/morning when Brodie and Savanna woke up to find themselves married. But as their story goes public today, they weren’t available for an interview. So we have the next best thing. Today we have the other half of HarMac Construction, Jackson McMasters and his lovely wife, Gina.
“If he’s mad about this, I’m blaming it on you,” Jackson asides to Gina, then turns to smile and shake my hand. Jackson is just like described in the book. Blond, polished and wearing an impeccable suit. Dark-haired, dark-eyed Gina is glowing in only the way a new mother can.
“Blame it on me,” she says through her smile. “I’m not afraid of Brodie Harper.”
“Before you two get into a marital spat, let’s get this started.”
Jackson sits down and crosses ankle over knee, his movements nearly elegant. I’ve only met Brodie once before and for a brief time, but it’s so obvious that the two friends are exact opposites. Brodie is dark, a little rough around the edges and Jackson is…not.
“Thanks for coming today.”
Jackson nods.
“Now tell us, you and Brodie have been friends a long time, right?”
“Since elementary school.”
“We all met in the third grade,” Gina adds.
“And just what kind of person is Brodie Harper?”
Jackson smiles and straightens his dark purple power tie. “He’s the best kind I know. Salt of the earth, his Pop would say. Loyal, dependable. He’s the one person I’d want to have behind me.”
“Sorry, Gina. Did you have something to say?”
“No. Go on.”
“He’s taken care of his grandmother since his Pop died. That alone is a full time job. He has a great love of family and home.”
“I’ve heard that about him. So were you surprised to discover he’d married a stranger after a one night stand?”
“You…could say that.”
Gina laughs. “He was livid.”
“I was worried about the casino contract.”
“He was worried about his friend.”
“It’s just that no one expected Brodie to get married again,” Jackson explains.
Jackson nods. “Brodie was marred once before. His wife left him to go to Hollywood. It’s caused some issues for him, but I think Savanna has helped him through all of that.”
“So you approve of his marriage then.”
“Of course.”
Gina all but snorts. “You weren’t so approving in the beginning.”
“It was a shock.”
“He thought she was a hooker.” Gina shows utter delight in letting this tidbit fly.
Jackson coolly raises an eyebrow. “So did Brodie. She was dressed a little—“
“Don’t say it,” Gina warns.
“Well, she had decided to disguise herself and follow her fiancĂ© to find out if he was up to no good—“
“Which he was,” Gina adds.
“—and she ended up married to Brodie instead.”
“And his wedding night was also your wedding night.”
“That’s correct, but that’s all the details I’m giving on that. If you want any more, and you’ll have to talk to him.”
“Just where is Brodie today?”
“He had other business to attend.”
“He’s out flying the Cessna with Red Sullivan, the casino owner. Now that Savanna has gotten over her fear, she’s making Red teach her how to fly the plane. Brodie won’t let her go up without him.”
“A casino heiress flying a plane, that would be something to see.”
Gina’s phone chimes and she holds it up for Jackson to see. “Time to get Rosie.”
Jackson stands and reaches out to shake my hand. “Sorry to cut this short, but duty calls.”
Fatherly duty.
Who knows maybe soon, it’ll be Brodie’s turn on baby patrol. One can only hope.
Amie Louellen--Brodie's Bride
Available 6/24/2011 from The Wild Rose Press
Amie Louellen loves nothing more than a good book. Except for her family…and maybe homemade tacos…and shoes. But reading and writing are definitely high on the list. When she's not creating quirky characters and happy endings she enjoys going to little league baseball games and boy scout meetings. Born and bred in Mississippi, Amie is a transplanted Southern Belle who now lives in Oklahoma with her deputy husband, their genius son, a spoiled cat, and one very hyper beagle.
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Are you ready? Really ready? Okay (drum roll please). The cover for BENEATH THE SURFACE has arrived. I couldn't be happier! The cover art department at The Wild Rose Press did a wonderful job. Special thanks to cover artist Kimberlee Mendoza for her awesome work!
She's fighting to stay independent--he's determined to protect her no matter what...
Brooke Richards survived the earthquake that took her parents and most of her leg, but she needs time to regroup. A trip to Florida for a state-of-the-art prosthesis and to visit her best friend Linda seems ideal. But the trip turns traumatic when Brooke witnesses Linda's boat disintegrating in a fiery explosion.
Police Officer Garrett Ciavello believes the blast was intentionally set to hide something Linda found on a dive. When Brooke offers her expertise in underwater archaeology, Garrett accepts her help with the investigation. But since his fiancee's death years ago, Garrett has become overprotective, and as they are drawn to each other, Garrett realizes he will risk anything to keep Brooke safe.
Brooke is fiercely independent. Garrett is fiercely protective. Will they heal each other's wounds and find a killer...before it's too late?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Growing a garden despite the stink bugs
After fifteen years of planting tomatoes, corn, zucchini, spinach, cucumbers and more, this year’s question is: do I dare go through all the work to grow seeds indoors and spend hours tending to them throughout March and April, just to plant them outside for stink bugs to destroy?
I checked with Jon Traunfeld, director at the University of Maryland Extension Home and Garden Center for some advice.
“Calls to our hotline (1-800-342-2507 M-F 8am to 1pm) and observations, indicate that stink bugs are more of a problem on some crops than others. Tomatoes, peppers, beans and corn seem to be most susceptible to damage from this new invasive pest. Spinach, chard and lettuces are less likely to be affected, so plant away,” Jon said.
He offered these strategies to protect your vegetables:
- Use floating row cover (a white, light-weight fabric with a gauze-like appearance) which is draped over plants and secured to the ground. It allows light, air and water to penetrate, but excludes pests.
- Monitor daily for stinkbugs and brush them into a bucket of soapy water to keep their numbers down.
- There is some evidence that the early life stages of this pest are more susceptible to chemical controls such as insecticidal soap, neem oil and pyrethrums
I’m going to plant my garden as usual. And remember, the stink bugs came to the U.S. via fruit from another country. If you plant a garden AND buy your produce locally, not only are you supporting your neighborhood farmer, but you’re potentially keeping bugs out of your yard, too.
Much research is being done on this pest. Here is a link to the latest information:
Happy planting! :)
I checked with Jon Traunfeld, director at the University of Maryland Extension Home and Garden Center for some advice.
“Calls to our hotline (1-800-342-2507 M-F 8am to 1pm) and observations, indicate that stink bugs are more of a problem on some crops than others. Tomatoes, peppers, beans and corn seem to be most susceptible to damage from this new invasive pest. Spinach, chard and lettuces are less likely to be affected, so plant away,” Jon said.
He offered these strategies to protect your vegetables:
- Use floating row cover (a white, light-weight fabric with a gauze-like appearance) which is draped over plants and secured to the ground. It allows light, air and water to penetrate, but excludes pests.
- Monitor daily for stinkbugs and brush them into a bucket of soapy water to keep their numbers down.
- There is some evidence that the early life stages of this pest are more susceptible to chemical controls such as insecticidal soap, neem oil and pyrethrums
I’m going to plant my garden as usual. And remember, the stink bugs came to the U.S. via fruit from another country. If you plant a garden AND buy your produce locally, not only are you supporting your neighborhood farmer, but you’re potentially keeping bugs out of your yard, too.
Much research is being done on this pest. Here is a link to the latest information:
Happy planting! :)
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