to win a BENEATH THE SURFACE eBook. It’s easy! Your name will be entered once
in the drawing for each of the following that you do:
1. Follow this blog and then
leave a comment telling me you’ve followed. (1 entry)
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3. Follow my Joya Fields, Author Facebook Fan page and leave a comment here telling me you've followed. (1 entry)
3. Follow my Joya Fields, Author Facebook Fan page and leave a comment here telling me you've followed. (1 entry)
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Click here to visit the other participating sites and win other terrific prizes in the blog hop: Celebrating Independence Blog Hop
so much for stopping by. Please enjoy an excerpt from BENEATH THE SURFACE:

She knew
she needed to stop him. She should find a way to resist the temptation to be
with him. But for a few minutes, she could enjoy the taste of him, the feel of
him, couldn’t she?
He dropped
his hands to her waist and softened the kiss before trailing a line of kisses
down her neck. A weak cry slipped from her mouth. “Garrett,” she whispered.
She should
stop this now before it got any more intense.
He lifted
her chin and forced her to meet his brown eyes, smoky with desire. Heat
spiraled to her middle and she caught a whiff of his sawdust scent.
“I…I can
walk you back to your own room before I head to mine.” His voice broke as he
swallowed hard. She couldn’t do this right now with him. Too many obstacles
stood in their way. But as she looked in his somber eyes, she realized none of
those complications were bigger than her need for Garrett.
“Let’s go
to your room,” she said, her voice shaking. She moved her hands inside his
shirt and ran them over his tight abs and chest. Heat soared through her body
at the feel of him. “Together…”
Gotcha covered on all bases, Joya. ;-)
Thanks so very much, Mac! :)
don't enter me, I already have and read it, but following! <3 u
Hi Joya. Joined your blog, was already twitting with you and I'm off to check FB but I think that's already done too!
@Tammie-Thanks so very much! :)
@Nancy-Awesome!! Thank you. :)
GFC follower - Lisa G
Twitter - @wolphcall
FB - Lisa George
Just call me your stalker. :-) I follow you everywhere.
@Lisa, thanks very much for the follows. Great conversation about Rascal Flats on TWitter, too. :)
@Diane-LOL, LOL!! I love a good stalker. Thanks very much for all of your support. :)
following blog
following facebook
following twitter
thanks for the contest
@foretta Thanks so very much for your support. I really appreciate it! :)
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