Saturday, July 28, 2012

It's a Fact...Couples Fight #SixSunday

{Note: If you're looking for A Hero's Blog Hop July 27-31,  please scroll down to the previous blog or click this link: Joya's Link, A Hero's Blog Hop} Thanks!

Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday: Where writers share six sentences from their published or unpublished books.

Couples fight, right? It’s part of figuring out who they are together. I’d love to hear your view : are disagreements a necessary part of relationships?

In this snippet from my debut novel BENEATH THE SURFACE, Brooke offers to flush out the villain by using herself as a decoy. But there’s no way Garrett, a police officer, is going to let her endanger herself.

  “You’d be the bait?” Garrett practically spat the question at Brooke.
   She looked into his fiery eyes. “You want to find your cousin and I want to find out who hurt Linda and Jeff. Why would it be a problem?”
   “Uh-uh,” he said.

Purchase links for BENEATH THE SURFACE:

Amazon    Barnes and Noble   The Wild Rose Press

Thanks very much for stopping by today!

Please check out other  Six Sentence Sunday  posts and follow #sixsunday on Twitter, @6_Sunday.


Teresa Cypher said...

Well written, Joya! "practically spat" "fiery eyes".

Couples do fight, and your writing akes it obvious that that is what's happening here.

Great six. :-)

Paula Martin said...

I can see both points of view here - good six!

Anonymous said...

Great passion, Joya!
Every couple bickers/squabbles/fight/argues/disagree. It's how you do all those things that either strengthen the relationship or destroy it.

Christine Warner said...

Enjoyed your six Joya!
As for disagreements or fights between couples...if you don't have the passion to fight, do you have the passion for other things? lol If you were so much alike that you didn't disagree, what fun would that be?

A.S. Fenichel said...

Brave girl. Good six.

Joya said...

@Teresa So true about couples fighting!

@Paula- Yeah! They're both right. Gonna be a long fight. LOL!!

@Nancy-Thanks! I agree, that fights can strengthen or destroy a relationship. Sooo true!

@Christine-LOL, LOL! Exactly. Passionate fights lead to passionate make ups, right? :)

@A.S.- Thanks for calling her brave! She is. :)

Sandra Sookoo said...

I love it when couples fight. It ups conflict across the board :-)

Rae Renzi said...

Nice conflict! Sets up the personalities of the H & H...nice six!