Please welcome talented
author Kiru Taye. She has a hot new release from Decadent Publishing and she’s sharing some fun details
about herself today as well as an excerpt from her book.

My debut historical romance His
Treasure (Men of Valor series, book 1) is a LR Cafe Book of 2011 award-winner
and also a runner-up at the Swirl Awards 2012 (novella category).
When I’m not writing, I love reading,
hanging out with family/friends or travelling. Born in Nigeria , I currently live in the UK
with husband and children.
Wow, you’ve
seen a lot of the world…very exciting! What inspires your writing?
Different things inspire me. A
movie, TV programme or watching people interacting. Last month I was coming
home from the school run and heard an advert on the radio for a theatre show.
The title inspired the current story for my work-in-progress paranormal romance.
When I’m actually writing I prefer
solitude—no music, no noise—just peace and quiet.
Ahhh, solitude! I can agree
with that. What would a *perfect* writing day be for you?
the simple things for me:
Wake up smiling. Get the kids
ready for school. Drop them off. Come home. Write about 5000 words. Respond to
conversations with readers/fans on social media. Read royalty statement and
develop an even bigger smile. Pick kids up and they’ve had a great day. Kids
sail through homework. Cook dinner. Pick hubby from train station and he’s had
a great day. Get kids to bed. Cuddle up with hubby. Go to sleep with a huge
smile. ;)
LOL about the royalty
statement! Can you tell us about the setting of your upcoming release? Why did
you choose it?
Island Bound is a sensual,
contemporary romance novella, set in Brass
Island , Nigeria .
It’s the story of Christy and Joshua who are on the verge of a marriage
breakdown and how they get their second chance at a life together.
Most of my stories are set in
Africa, Nigeria
especially. For Island Bound, although the couple actually lives in Abuja which is the capital city of Nigeria , I chose Brass Island
as the setting because they needed to get away from their normal everyday lives
to be able to work on their relationship.
And where best but the remote island of Brass
on the southernmost tip of Nigeria
just by the Atlantic Ocean . The sea is crystal
clear, the sands are powdery, the sky azure. And even better there is a lush
green forest reserve not far filled with rare and endangered species. The only
way to get there at the moment is by boat.
Oh wow! That sounds
absolutely gorgeous! And speaking of romance…what’s the most romantic thing
anyone has ever done for you?
Last year for my birthday, my husband surprised me with a long
weekend trip to New York .
I didn’t know where we were going until I boarded the plane. That was a lovely
present as I’d always wanted to visit New
York . The hotel was bang in the middle of Manhattan and I got to
shop at Fifth Avenue .
Heavenly. J
Well with a romantic
husband like that, it’s no wonder you write romance! Where can readers order your
book, Kiru?
Island Bound is out now published by Decadent Publishing for their new African romance Ubuntu line. Visit for all the buy links
Find Kiru:
my blog for latest news, free reads
& giveaways:
For a comprehensive list of my
books and to download free reads, check out my website:
Leave a comment on this post and visit my blog to enter the Rafflecopter prize draw to win a $10 eGift
card in the Island Bound Book Launch event. Entries close on January 28, 2013.
About Island Bound
When Christy Inemi-Spiff discovers that the man she vowed
to love and honor has no such feelings for her, she’s determined to cut her
losses and move on with her life. A quick, quiet divorce is all she wishes for
However, Joshua has other ideas. He’s not ready to walk
away yet, especially when he doesn’t understand why Christy wants out of their
marriage. So he demands she agree to spend a quiet Christmas on a remote African Island with him, hoping they can salvage
their relationship. If she still wants a divorce after these two weeks, he will
let her go. But not before he’s had his fill of her.
But with the sparking tension
between them, and the secrets behind the disintegration of their marriage
threatening to explode, will either of them get their wish? Or will this season
of good will show them what really lies at the bottom of their hearts?
Here's an excerpt from Island Bound:
“Why are you doing this?” she
challenged. Her emotions rolled, making her feel unbalanced. It had been a long
three months. And it seemed like today was only going to get worse.
“Christy, you know the reason. If
you stopped long enough and thought about it hard, in your heart, you’ll know.”
“You can stop this.” She struggled
to contain her anger. “You started this; you can end it.”
“I know, but I won’t.”
“You, you—” Enraged, she lifted a
hand to slap him.
Joshua caught her hand midair,
held it tight. Before she could react, he pushed her back against the wall,
pinning her to it with his rigid body. Christy felt every bit of him, his
strength, and his physical nature that he never bothered to hide.
“I think I have the perfect answer
for all your bottled-up rage,” he said as he parted her thighs with his leg.
“Move,” she ordered, her throat
dry and croaky, betraying her increasing apprehension.
Joshua had it easy. He was a man
at home with his masculinity. She had never been able to resist him. He could
have any woman he wanted. Sometimes, she wondered if he had, especially during
their separation. She shouldn’t care if he’d been with anyone else. After all,
her goal was a divorce. Still, she couldn’t suppress the intensity of her
feelings. Perhaps her anger and hatred drove the concentration of her emotions.
“We have to get a few things
sorted out first,” he replied.
He moved closer, his body flush
against hers; his chest crushed her breasts, his thighs pressed against hers.
Though she wore cotton trousers and a tank top, all of him stroked her.
“What are you doing?” she asked as
she pushed against him.
He didn’t budge. “Just trying to
relieve some of your frustration. That’s what all your aggression has been
about, isn’t it?”
“Such vehement denial, when the
evidence is so obvious.”
Her face stung with revealing heat
as warm blood rose in her body. Mortified, she tried to move to shake him off,
but only managed to get her body even more entangled with his.
Her breathing came in short
snatches. She became more aware of Joshua, his hardness and heat.
“I hate you.” Her voice sounded
strangled. Blistering white rage swept through her.
“You lie, sweetheart.”
He lowered his head, trailing his
lips against her cheeks in a tormenting caress.
“You love me.”
Copyright Kiru Taye 2012
What an fascinating story, Kiru! I really enjoyed your interview. Love the story premise, blurb and excerpt! Your writing shines!
Oh, I'm the opposite. I need background noise. Silence is too deafening to me.
All the best with your new release!
Thanks, Jessica. I'm too easily distracted with background noise
Hi, Kathleen. Thank you!
I normally have a bit of background noise too but it's normally romantic mushy movies playing....just loud enough for me to hear but I don't usually watch them. Congrats on your new release, it sounds great !!
LOL, I agree with Kathleen, Jess and Krista. Your release sounds great, Kiru! It's been a fun day getting to know you and hearing about your Island Bound.
Remember to visit Kiru's blog for the Rafflecopter giveaway. A gift card!
Thank you, Krista. I sometimes have background music when I'm editing but that depends on the level of editing. Definitely not for re-writing.
Thank you, Joya. It's been fun hanging out with you.
Thanks so much for being my guest today, Kiru! Best wishes for huge sales and rave reviews for Island Bound! :)
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